Somatics & Yoga
Your body and mind can work together. Let’s connect them.
My Approach
We are feeling beings with a brain—not a brain with a body.
When connected, the body and mind can unlock one’s innate healing power.
The body holds a map made by memories and experiences that can release held tension when given gentle, curious, slow attention. As a result, it can provide space and capacity for life.
Somatics & Trauma Healing
Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a form of therapy that understands how stress and feelings of overwhelm are stored in the body. Using this bottom up approach can assist in releasing a stress response through mindful awareness of bodily sensations. As a result PTSD and the scars of emotional and developmental/attachment trauma can be transformed.
Transforming Touch. An advanced approach to Somatic Experiencing, Transforming Touch offers a specific healing protocol utilizing somatic and/or intentional touch to move through developmental trauma that is nonverbal and held in the body.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an integrative psychotherapy approach to assist individuals in reaching their fullest potential through an eight-phase protocol that supports moving maladaptively encoded information stored in the body and mind into our adaptive healing system to store this information properly.
Contact me today to get started.
Where to take yoga with Laura
I offer the yogic techniques of mindfulness, movement, breath, and meditation to support the health and healing of the whole person.
Through yoga, students practice finding balance and flexibility, both physical and mental. They learn to accept and meet their body and mind as they are while simultaneously challenging themselves to grow, change, and build strength or to simply just be. Yoga helps achieve relaxation, enjoyment in body sensations, and a sense of inner peace.
I offer private/individual yoga and somatic work to both current and prospective clients. I am happy to work with you to add yoga to your counseling plan, or provide yoga alone.
I am also proud to instruct at two studios in Bloomington, Indiana, and would love to see you in one of my group classes.
The Hot Room Bloomington
The Hot Room creates a community where anyone, no matter their ability, feels safe and inspired to heal and strengthen their body and mind. Studios are positive and welcoming and challenge you to live your best life.
Nourishing Heart Yoga
Nourishing Heart Yoga is locally owned and operated. It offers individual and group classes for new students and seasoned yogis alike.

Coming this Summer
Stay tuned for Know Yoga Know Peace
outdoor classes with Laura.
// From a Yogi //